No one cares how many wins you have, state cup championship trophies you’ve stacked, Twitter followers you’ve acquired, D1 players you sent to college, national coaching licenses you’ve gotten, and acronyms you laid out like the alphabet behind your name. What young female athletes need is coaching. I’ve been telling you for years that this encompasses more than the x’s and o’s, the tactics and the formations, the wins and the rankings, the strength and conditioning, and the ACL reduction training.

If you are a coach to female athletes, you need to be walking the walk right now

You can mention things like working on core stability to handle high forces in contact sports, the ability to pump the brakes for better deceleration and rapid change of direction, or building powerful hamstrings and gluteals for speed production. Let me say this: it’s a blessing to be a coach to female athletes – to be able to inspire the next generation of girls.

How well do you know your female athletes?

Do you know how their grades are in school? Do you know what other talents they have? Do you know if they have siblings? Do you know if they had a solo at the band concert? Do you know if they are president of the student government at school? Do you know if they love baking? Do you know if they have good or bad sleep habits?

Whether this is on the pitch, in the weight room, or outside of sports, are you amplifying their talents? Let alone, are you encouraging them to dig out the gems inside of them and believe in themselves?

You have the opportunity to empower

Because if so, the last thing you want to say out loud is “girls do whatever you say!” which implies you’re creating doormats who don’t stand up for themselves, who don’t set boundaries, and who say “yes” to everything.

As these girls blossom into professional women, it’s critically important they know to stand up for themselves in the work place, and be confident in their crafts.


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