Eating well is not just about what you eat, but how you eat, and your environment ultimately shapes those behaviors. If you try to stay away from the heart of the home-the kitchen-out of fear of derailing your diet, it’s time for a kitchen makeover.

And no, it won’t require a hammer, a fresh coat of paint or a $20,000 budget. With a few simple tricks, you can transform your family’s favorite room into the ultimate health-food spa.

Organize Your Fridge for Success

If you rush home from work in a “hangry” state, chances are you’ll grab the first snack you see. Make sure it’s a good one by placing the healthiest options in clear containers at the front of the fridge at eye level, and hiding any of the kiddos’ treats or entertaining leftovers in opaque containers toward the back. I keep baggies and containers of fresh fruit, carrots, hummus and yogurt near the front of the fridge so that the choice is so fast, I can’t even remember we have chips in the pantry.

Keep Smaller Plates and Bowls within Reach

Research suggests that larger plates and bowls tend to mean larger portions, because bare space makes us feel deprived. So keep your salad plates and small soup bowls nearby, while storing your full-size dinner plates in a higher-up cupboard out of reach.

If you’re still hungry after filling the smaller bowl, then of course, go back and grab seconds, but you’ll at least have bought yourself some time to listen to your satiety cues.

Prep Portion-Controlled Ready-to-Eat Snacks

Whether your snack food of choice is potato chips, trail mix, pretzels or salted peanuts, treating yourself occasionally doesn’t have to sabotage your diet. But if sitting down with the family-size bag is typically the first step for your mindless snack attack, it’s time to do some preventative prep!

Immediately after your grocery haul, portion your go-to snacks into manageable portion-controlled bags so that you can easily grab one from the pantry and indulge guilt-free. Keep 1-ounce bags of almonds and 3-cup portions of air-popped popcorn in the pantry and stock your fridge with perfectly portioned energy balls or chia pudding in mason jars.

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